When booking a photo shoot at Irene van de Wege Photography, you automatically agree to the following terms and conditions:
Article 1: Photographer
Photographer: Irene van de Wege, established in Vlissingen and registered under Chamber of Commerce number 70102996 and referred to as Irene van de Wege Photography, also user of these general terms and conditions and contractor.
Article 2: Offer
Irene van de Wege Photography makes an offer in the form of a quotation, price list or summary of an oral discussion, which shows which services can be provided for what amount.
Acceptance of the offer is made in writing.
The date of the offer is fixed when the offer has been accepted in writing.
By accepting the offer, you agree to the general terms and conditions.
Article 3: Execution
Irene van de Wege Photography will carry out the assignment to the best of his knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship, in the style in which Irene van de Wege Photography usually works.
Irene van de Wege Photography is not responsible for the failure to achieve the result that the customer intended. Photography is an expression of creativity and taste. If the client agrees with the quotation, the client also agrees with the photography style and approach of Irene van de Wege. Irene van de Wege is entitled to carry out the work at its own discretion and creativity, taking into account the wishes of the client.
The client can only receive the photos approved and edited by Irene van de Wege Photography. The client is never entitled to 'raw', unedited photos.
Irene van de Wege Photography cannot guarantee that every moment at a wedding or shoot will be captured.
The client is responsible for finding a location where the shoot / recordings can take place. This can be done in consultation with Irene van de Wege Photography.
Irene van de Wege Photography delivers the images in her usual style, unless otherwise agreed. Photos are delivered edited and adjusted at the discretion of the maker.
The client is aware of the style of Irene van de Wege Photography.
Article 4: Delivery
Irene van de Wege Photography only uses estimated delivery times, unless otherwise agreed. Irene van de Wege Photography makes every effort to deliver the desired content as soon as possible.
Digital files of sessions have an estimated delivery time of three weeks and weddings have an estimated delivery time of six weeks.
The delivery of a wedding album has an estimated delivery time of twelve weeks after the delivery of the report.
Delivery is made, unless otherwise indicated, by post or e-mail.
After delivery of the content, the customer is responsible for making a backup.
Article 5: Reimbursement​
The stated prices include VAT and any travel and material costs, unless otherwise invoiced. Travel costs from 30 km will be invoiced separately.
Irene van de Wege is entitled to request a down payment. Part of the total price will be charged. After payment of the order, the remaining part will be invoiced. The final content will only be delivered when the entire payment has been made. The date of the shoot is only definitively reserved after payment of the deposit.
The payment term for each invoice is 7 days.
Article 6: Cancellation
In case of bad weather (strong wind or rain), you can choose to move the photo shoot to another moment.
In all cases of damage due to the absence of Irene van de Wege Fotografie due to unforeseen circumstances (for example illness), the photographer's liability is limited to the provision of replacement photographer or photographers or otherwise the amount(s) already paid by the customer to the photographer.
Irene van de Wege Photography will always try to arrange a replacement comparable photographer within her network. However, no rights can be derived from this. All transactions, such as payment, editing and selecting the photos and making the album will be handled by Irene van de Wege Photography. If a suitable solution cannot be found, the customer has the right to dissolve the agreement.
Article 7: Copyright
The intellectual property rights to the materials, advice and content made available to the customer are vested in Irene van de Wege Photography. The customer is expressly not permitted to reproduce, publish or make available content to third parties outside the granted license, without prior permission.
Customer is not authorized to use the content outside the purposes as agreed.
The customer is not entitled to edit or cut supplied material. This also includes placing text over photos or using (Instagram) filters, unless otherwise agreed.
The customer is free to publish the content created for it, provided that the name is mentioned, unless otherwise agreed.
Ownership of the products delivered by Irene van de Wege Photography is only transferred to the customer after full payment.
In the event of infringement of the copyrights and/or personality rights of Irene van de Wege Photography, Irene van de Wege Photography charges three times the usual license fee for such a case, as compensation for the damage suffered.
Article 8: Portrait right
Photographer reserves the right to use the works for its own promotional purposes and publications, including, but not limited to, website, portfolio, social media, in printed matter and promotional materials.
The photographer may submit portraits of the client, without further permission, for competitions and publication in (online) magazines and blogs.
Photographer will not sell the photos to third parties.
Deviating agreements are recorded in writing.
Article 9: Liability
Irene van de Wege photography is not responsible for the weather conditions.
Irene van de Wege photography is not liable for loss, theft or damage to personal property.
Irene van de Wege photography is not liable for color deviations on uncalibrated screens and prints supplied by someone other than her.
Client is responsible for obtaining permission and payment to shoot on location.
Customer is responsible for obtaining permission from all attendees to be photographed.
Customer is ultimately responsible for making backups.
Article 10. Complaints
Complaints regarding the delivered work must be communicated as soon as possible, but no later than 7 calendar days after delivery of the photos.
Irene van de Wege Photography will assess this complaint in all reasonableness and in the event of a justified complaint, it will be resolved within a reasonable period of time.
Complaints after the term referred to in paragraph 1 will no longer be processed.
Complaints or objections submitted do not suspend the payment obligation.